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Red Nose Day 2021: Every Step Counts

Posted: 12/03/2021

We are Marchin’ in March!

This year to raise money for Red Nose Day, our staff are taking part in our ‘Every Step Counts’ challenge. We are walking as many miles as we collectively can from Friday 26th February to Friday 19th March (Red Nose Day). This challenge includes the Flowtech staff in the office, those working from home, and also our Creative Services, Data and Supply Chain teams. We have set the goal to walk at least 1,000 miles between us (let’s see how close we can get!)

We came up with this challenge for Red Nose Day as it not only raises money for a brilliant cause, but it also gets our staff out and about; including people walking to/ from work and lunchtime laps of the car park! With lockdown it’s so easy for anyone to get stuck in a rut and stay indoors… so this is a great incentive to get out there to walk or run, and it’s all for a good cause!

We will update you next week with our final figures and how much we managed to raise for Comic Relief.

To show your support for our staff or donate towards the brilliant cause of Comic Relief, please donate to our JustGiving page:

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