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Donations to Birchwood at Halloween

Posted: 10/11/2020

Our partnership with Birchwood is still going strong one year on and for Halloween we held some spooky celebrations in aid of raising money and donations for the Birchwood Centre charity.

Birchwood is an amazing charity for the surrounding community and their work has been especially important during these very challenging times. Their staff and volunteers were working throughout the first national lockdown in the spring and continue to work throughout this second period and over the whole winter period, to help those vulnerable families and individuals whose lives have been severely impacted during the Coronavirus pandemic.  In a time of such uncertainty, Birchwood being a constant for those who need it most, is really commendable.

On Halloween, thanks to the generosity of our staff we managed to donate 8 bags worth of food to Birchwood and also raised cash through a quiz and fancy dress.  This has all been donated directly to their ‘Self isolation doesn’t have to mean social isolation’ project. Read more here about this appeal of theirs here

David Scott, from the Birchwood Centre, collecting our donations. 

For more information on the Birchwood Centre and how you can donate to them, please visit

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